{Rattle} & Hum

September 27, 2008

| fred flare |

…ok, so you’re shopping online and everything is redundant and overwhelming….

why not choose a site that has a plethora of ridiculous>wonderful>original>inappropriate>exhilirating items to inspire you?

as listed in dozens of popular mags, check out fredflare.com and peruse through hundreds of items that you’ve NEVER seen or thought of as a consumer.

some of our favourites include:

Stuff on my Cat Calendar‘, ‘Superman Tee‘, ‘hopping yodelling lederhosen‘, and’C-3P0 USB Flash Drive‘.

(….we also recommend using an automatic database application such as Wists to keep track of your redonkulous wishlist!)

Love Lynda & | Agent_Em |

September 23, 2008

| cyber (shopping) satisfaction |

…there are really only two things that i shop for that gets my blood pumping…

> > > Boots and Glasses > > >

i love wearing glasses and having sweet stylish footwear….so, i was tickled when Leah C. posted a dandy link on Pownce that directed me to this amazingly dandy site. you can narrow down which styles you like by clicking and progressing to other collections of preferable shoes, eye wear and handbags.

…believe me…this is more satisfying than Zappos!


Check out Modista… and happy trails…

| Agent_Em |

September 16, 2008

| banana hammock |

Filed under: distraction,Fashion,Rant,WTF? — Agent Em @ 6:21 am
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ok……these 2 dudes were posing in their speedos at the beach. i watched them as they were striking matching poses – they’re like bookends! what possesses a hairy overweight balding man to flounce around in only a brightly coloured nut hugger? (is it a European thing?)

i barely have the courage to wear a bikini, yet these exhibitionists are bearing it all. (and what do men DO about the crotch spiders anyways? is there even a concern there?)

let’s just keep the rules straight – with a help from some experts:

The Speedo aka the budgie smuggler, dick tog, competition brief, bather, dick sticker, banana hammock or the grape cape was not designed for the normal male. (This post is directed toward men. If you are a woman who wears a man’s Speedo you are clearly not normal and need to cease and desist immediately!!!)  There are of course exceptions to every rule including this one. If you are a Normal Person who falls into any of the following categories Speedos are perfectly acceptable.

1. If you are a competitive swimmer and/or diver. This does not refer to you and your buddies racing at the community pool.

2. If you are a Lifeguard who is required to wear one. Yes. This actually happens in some countries

3. If you are David Beckham or you look like David Beckham. If you are either of those you are clearly not normal. You are a god. Call me sometime.

4. If you look anything like the guy in the white speedo above. Once again, you are not normal. You are a god. Please do women everywhere a favor and wear a speedo everyday!

If you do not fall into one of these categories please do yourself and everyone else a favor and refrain from wearing a Speedo, in public at least.

For more about this phenomenon, check out:


| Agent_Em |

September 11, 2008

| apple addict |

Filed under: Fashion,Geek,Music — Agent Em @ 7:59 pm
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nothing is more appealing to me than dandy new Apple products /applications / software. the new nano-chromatics make me want to take my fat ass 80 G iPod and heave it at a small yappy dog. i am totally entranced by the lemon and poppy coloured versions. you too can be an iTunes “genius” by nabbing one of these flashy accessories and DLing the V.8 upgrade with Genius app included.

August 7, 2008

Get your Chubby on

Filed under: Fashion — Love Lynda @ 9:33 pm
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    I have for the past 6 months wanted, craved, lusted after an authentic Cruiser bike.  It all started with a rare sunny day that inspired a bike ride around Stanley park in Vancouver.  My little aqua bike gave me such a permanent grin that I just had to have a bicycle of my own and that lead me to Chubby Cruisers.   

These bikes are just plain cool.  I bought mine yesterday and during my short victory ride I got no less than 4 unsolicited compliments.  

Gerty, as I have affectionately named her and she is bright orange with 

a shiny white seat and a basket, perfect for a sunny day ride.  Chubby’s does ship anywhere and has a great selection that is not going to break the bank.  Gerty ran me about $200 and that includes the bells and streamers.

So if you’re on the look out for a new ride that is not only sweet but will give you, GASP, some exercise checkthese guys out and start putting together your own Chubby.  


Love Lynda

July 15, 2008

| Inter.web.Stum.ble |

Filed under: Fashion,Geek,Shoes — Agent Em @ 5:10 am
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| shoes |

so, i love shoes as much as the next person. but, i also love deals steals and sales in conjunction with shoes.

i think the shopping high for me, is as much about the steal as it is about the heel.

i was doing the interwebbery shuffle and came across the Chinese Laundry website.

ya ya we’ve all heard of this brand, but i couldn’t believe the dandy prices – AND they ship to Canadiana…so, hey now!

**tru.th** i stumbled onto the site because someone said i looked like ‘Serena from Gossip Girl’. ( i have no tv, so i have no clue who that is…but i did some googling and… ….found a pic of her…..fabulous boots!)

as well, on my search to find my supposed identical doppelganger, i found another website/blog-ish entity called Geek Sugar that is a bit youngish and hot pink, but really cool and geeky, too! (geek.is.chic)

and last but not least – when i think of shoes – i think of this video.

**tru.th** you will never say “shoes” again without thinking.about.this.song!

| Agent_Em |

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