{Rattle} & Hum

October 7, 2008

| photo fun |

…i am a sucker for uploading photos to sites that give you a messed up look. my other photo fun post kept me busy for a couple days. this one is just as simple and just as much a waste of time.

yearbook yourself and get some bad hair – on the head and the chest, if you don’t already have some. you can choose looks from the early 50’s to the late 90’s.

i used the site to generate hideous pix and put together a nice image for my special guy to remember me by.

| Agent_Em |

September 5, 2008

| photo editing |

| i am a shutterbug |

…but i don’t have a professional DSLR. i use the Canon PowerShot SD 870 IS – a simple point-and-shoot model that fits in my pocket. what i do rely on is digital photography software. it can definitely turn a mediocre photo into a work of art!

~ here is a picture taken on the Ferry from Victoria. the first version is the normal colour, and the second is an enhanced version that i generated using “Aperture” for mac. i straightened out the horizon, as well as changed the temperature and exposure of the light radius. total time: 30 seconds. ~

~ here is my uncle with a crabby friend on Salt Spring Island. the day is overcast, and gray. the problem i find with photography, is that when you look back on the photo, it doesn’t do the memory justice. i used Aperture again and changed the undertones from blue to green, sharpened the image and deepened the contrast. total time: 15 seconds. ~

~ this lovely sunflower in the UBC Botanical Garden needed an edge. the colour edited version is bright and cheerful, but the black and white version is artistic in a different way. i used iPhoto for mac and de-saturated the colour and bumped up the contrast to its highest spectrum. total time: 5 seconds. ~

why not use your own photos for a website, greeting card, wedding invite, business card…etc.

all photos courtesy of my lovely flickr album that i love so much!

| Agent_Em |

July 17, 2008

| face transformer |

Filed under: distraction,Photography,WTF? — Agent Em @ 9:20 pm
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| artsy face |

I have spent waaay too much time fooling around on this site:


it’s really simple

you can choose what gender, race and age you are. after you upload your picture, you have a plethora of choices to alter your  image including; changing your race, cartoon, baby, and artist render.

Beware! Some are uber-disturbing.

( ‘drunk’ mode for example )

| Agent_Em |

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